Sequence Meta Information:
Muribacter muris 7_18CXCR221ANO_S7
1.Oral Taxon ID022
2.MOMD Genome IDSEQF5049
3.MOMD Genome Name (Genus, Species)Muribacter muris
4.Sequence Name
(name associated with genomic sequence)
Muribacter muris
5.Comments on NameNA
6.Culture Collection Entry Number7_18CXCR221ANO_S7
7.Isolate OriginNA
8.Sequencing StatusHigh Coverage
9.NCBI Taxonomy IDPRJNA671681
10.NCBI Genome BioProject IDNA
11.NCBI Genome BioSample IDSAMN16540181
12.GenBank Accession IDJADGLQ000000000.1
13.Genbank Assembly IDGCA_015235525.1
14.Number of Contigs and Singlets132
15.Combined Length (bps)
16.GC Percentage44.90
17.Sequencing CenterNA
18.ATCC Medium NumberNA
19.Non-ATCC MediumNA
20.16S rRNA Gene SequenceNA
21.Comments for 16s rRNA Gene SequenceNA
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Page last updated: July 7, 2021 08:39:35
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