Sequence Meta Information:
Providencia alcalifaciens WMus003.1
1.Oral Taxon ID084
2.MOMD Genome IDSEQF5002
3.MOMD Genome Name (Genus, Species)Providencia alcalifaciens
4.Sequence Name
(name associated with genomic sequence)
Providencia alcalifaciens
5.Comments on NameNA
6.Culture Collection Entry NumberWMus003.1
7.Isolate OriginNA
8.Sequencing StatusHigh Coverage
9.NCBI Taxonomy IDPRJNA671681
10.NCBI Genome BioProject IDNA
11.NCBI Genome BioSample IDSAMN16540228
12.GenBank Accession IDJADGLZ000000000.1
13.Genbank Assembly IDGCA_015234555.1
14.Number of Contigs and Singlets66
15.Combined Length (bps)
16.GC Percentage41.90
17.Sequencing CenterNA
18.ATCC Medium NumberNA
19.Non-ATCC MediumNA
20.16S rRNA Gene SequenceNA
21.Comments for 16s rRNA Gene SequenceNA
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Page last updated: July 7, 2021 08:39:35
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